What is Project: Foshes?

Project: Foshes is an ambitious ROBLOX murder mystery game that hopes to combine many elements from existing titles, such as Murder Mystery 2,  The Mad Murderer,  KAT,  CS:GO.

The game will host a unique player-based economy, which will allow players to view real-time values of items based on real ingame transactions. Transactions within the game include using both the in-game currency and Robux. That means that very similarly to pls donate and  PLS BUY ME, this game will allow you to sell your items for real Robux.

Where can I see progress?

I've started a Medium blog for anybody interested. Here, I'll write about progress of the game and things I'm learning along the way.

Design choices

There are a few design choices that are being made about this game, which may differ to what many players are used to:

All features mentioned in this section may not be featured on release, but expect them to appear as the game matures.

When will the game be released?

I would like to get an early version of this game out by October, but I cannot promise anything. Both developers (derpmonster83 and John) are full-time job-seeking students, so progress cannot be predicted.